We are delighted to announce that on Thursday 11 April 2024, 16:00-17:00, at the Athens PIL Center, Academias 47, 3rd floor, Dr.Lorenzo Palestini will be delivering a lecture on: “Stability and Finality of Baselines, Outer Limits and Maritime Boundaries in the Context of Anthropogenic Sea-Level Rise”, in the context of the 2023/24 AthensPIL Research Exchange meeting.
Dr. Lorenzo Palestini is Lecturer at the Geneva LL.M. in International Dispute Settlement, a program of the Graduate Institute and University of Geneva. His doctoral thesis, La protection des intérêts juridiques de l’Etat tiers dans le procès de délimitation maritime (The Protection of the Legal Interests of Third States in Maritime Delimitation Proceedings) (Bruylant, 2020) was awarded the 2021 Paul Guggenheim Prize. Consultant in public international law disputes, he co-leads a project on the International Judicial Function financed by the Swiss National Science Foundation, and has acted as Counsel for the Republic of Colombia before the International Court of Justice.